Tuesday, November 17


being an impulsive-I-have-got-to-have-these-shoes-NOW-fanatic, (luckily) I don't often get a chance to say this, but, I wish I had bought these kurt geiger shoeses that time when they found me in selfridges, which, if I remember correctly (and I probably do, my shoe memory is near impeccable), would have been about this time last year, i.e. autumn 08.*

I'm a gut feeling kinda girl...if it feels right I buy it, regardless of the price (well, almost...I'm NOT yet the proud owner of a pair of christian louboutin's, but it's only a matter of time). somehow, SOMEHOW, I didn't get these when I had the opportunity. I am speechless, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND what I was thinking. was I thinking? what made me deny myself these shoeses? they were not even expensive...only £85. the price would not have been an issue. I remember trying them on so size would not have been an issue. so what was the issue that made me walk out of that shop without these beautiful shoeses?

been searching for them on ebay etc, but no luck just yet. I'm not the type to give up...one day I WILL own a pair of kurt geiger cleopatra courts in mustard yellow.

PLEASE let me know IF you come across a pair of these shoeses in a size three!!!
I will be forever grateful!!!

(me and my plaster at approx. 9.50pm/cet)

went for my flu shot today. my sister had a quite a bad reaction to it, but apart from my arm being a little, tiny bit sore, I'm fine.

* 57 word long sentence...my tutor at university would not have been very happy with me...
(just for the record...I know that shoe in plural is shoes, NOT shoeses...I just happen to think that shoeses sounds cuter than shoes)

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