Sunday, November 15

If I just turn and run And it wears me out It wears me out And if I could be who you wanted If I could be who you wanted All the time All the time

it may or it may not have escaped you that I am currently experiencing a bit of a radiohead phase. there is a lot of radiohead in my life. radiohead has been a constant in my life since 1994. my very first radiohead encounter was when I saw them perform creep live on some MTV-spring-break-pool-party-show (?)...on second thought, that just can't be right, surely! thom yorke had longish, bleach blonde hair. there was definitely a swimming pool near the stage, lots of kids with brightly coloured clothes, it was a daytime gig and the sun was shining. how very radiohead...!

(radiohead version .1994)

(radiohead version .2009)


just did a quick youtube search and I FOUND IT! and all of the above is actually correct! the pool, the sunny weather, the hair... click on this link to check the clip out: radiohead / creep live at the mtv beach house in 1994

was youtubing radiohead interviews earlier and came across some really awkward stuff. well, in radiohead world, awkward is far more prominent than easy-happy-go-lucky, but it's fantastically entertaining nonetheless.

I managed to catch them on the pablo honey mejeriet in lund. radiohead is in fact one of my favorite live bands and my all time favorite live gig was their 1994 roskilde festival performance on the green stage!

now, I didn't actually log in to write about radiohead...albeit radiohead being an important part of my life right now. I was going to write about something entirely different. something so vastly different that I have completely forgotten what it was. my memory is weird. I have no trouble remembering details from a mtv video I saw 15 years ago, but mere minutes ago...gonegonegone!


guess you'll have to make do with this radiohead heavy blog post until I can remember what it was I was intending to write about!

på gensyn!

* represents the passing of x amount of time
(blog title: excerpt from fake plastic trees by radiohead)

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