Tuesday, November 24

phone books (why why why why why why why why)

it's 2009, so who the fuck is still using a fucking phone book? AND who the hell has worked out that each household needs three fucking phone books each? yup, THREE! three phone books since august/september! why why why...tell me because I would really like to know! well, I do know why, of course...it's the fucking ads. this is only a I-feel-sorry-for-myself-ranting-blog-post...but that's just it...I do feel sorry for myself and so would you if you had to lug 700 heavy as fuck phone books around (weight: approx 700-900lbs).
with 83% of swedish households having access to the internet, my guess is that not that many will use these primitive-as-fuck phone books to look up phone numbers in, which makes it even worse. they don't even serve a fucking purpose!

in the meantime...welcome back sciatica!

(what I was thinking when this pic was taken: "...all I want to do is go to oxford and hang out with radiohead...fuck this!")
and now...a "message" from the ever lovely thom yorke:
[on Oasis] "They're a joke aren't they? It's just lots of middle class people applauding a bunch of guys who act stupid and write really primitive music. Then people say 'oh it's so honest'"
[on The Bends] "It's incredibly annoying that no one's noticed the giggles in that album. The song 'The Bends' is completely jokey, completely taking the piss. None of that stuff had ever happened to us when we wrote it. That was our Bowie pastiche, our joke song ! And I really do wish I'd never written that fucking song - it's become the bane of my life. Hundreds of journalists asking - every single fucking interview : "Do you wish it was the sixties ?" No, I don't wish it was the fucking sixties - Levi's jeans wish it was the sixties - I certainly fucking don't."
"Us on hard drugs? That would be horrible. We'd probably end up sounding like Bryan Adams."
"If people get it, they wouldn't think it's depressing. When people always say that fucking annoying thing about how my work's so depressing, well it's not because.. it's just words, and I put the words to music which I think it's an uplifting thing, otherwise there would be no point in doing this at all."

(if you are a bit sensitive and take offence to all the swearing in this article...sorry...or something...well no actually, I'm NOT sorry...go read something else...this is my blog and I write what I want)

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