Thursday, December 31

I used to think I used to think There is no future left at all I used to think

--- radiohead is going back into the studio in january. see ed's post on dead air space for more info. I was literally jumping with joy when I read this wonderful, wonderful news...I have a feeling most people are not all surprised at my reaction...given that radiohead is the most blogged "subject" on this blog, by a long way!

--- london calling... and I'm feeling obliged to comply...23-27/1!

--- QI g...not available in sweden, sadly, but I'm hoping to find an alternative source...if YOU know how/where, please share that information!

--- according to numerous sources that I do not wish to doubt, the first of 26 brand new futurama episodes will begin airing in mid-2010...on comedy central, but I'm sure (or at least, I hope) it will make it over to europe not long after!

that's just some of the things I'm looking forward to in the new year...there is one more, but I don't think I'm ready to share that one with you just yet...I'll keep you posted, I promise...but there are things that need to be sorted out, plans to be planned, details to be dealt with first...

why try and be anything else

(blog title: excerpt from I might be wrong by radiohead/amnesiac)

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