Saturday, December 19

how can I cut 10%?

below is a list of things YOU can do to cut 10% of emissions by the end of 2010...for a more detailed list, please visit the 10:10 website!

1 Fly less, holiday more
Swap plane for train, holiday nearer to home and take fewer but longer trips - same tanning time, dramatically less climate change emissions.
2 Save 10% on heating
Turn down your thermostat, turn off radiators in hallways and more jumpers all round.
3 Save 10% on electricity
Save big cash by changing lightbulbs, replacing old fridges & freezers and always turning stuff off.
4 Drive less
Leave your car at home one day a week. Walk, cycle or take public transport. Join a car-club rather than owning your own and share your ride to work with a colleague or two.
5 Eat better
Local, in-season fruit & veg produce the least emissions – and the less processed the better. Have one meat-free day per week – but don’t replace with just-as-bad cheese.
6 Buy good stuff
Less stuff made = less emissions = less climate damage. So buy high-quality things that last, repair broken stuff rather than chucking, buy & sell second-hand and borrow your neighbour’s mower.
7 Dump less
Avoid excess packaging and buying pointless stuff that goes straight in the bin, recycle everything possible and compost your food waste.
8 Don’t waste food…
The average British family throws away £50 worth of food every month. So don’t buy or cook more than you need and eat up those tasty leftovers. With a smile on your face.
9 … or water
Your tap water uses lots of energy – and then heating it in your home uses loads more – so take showers rather than baths, be careful when watering plants and only run full dishwashers & washing machines.
10 Feel happier
It’s Dec 2010... you’re healthier for walking & cycling, you’ve made new friends from swapping stuff & car-pooling, you’ve saved a big chunk of cash... and you know that you’re part of the global effort to prevent castastrophic climate change...

spread the word...

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