Sunday, December 27

I am a moth who just wants to share your light I'm just an insect trying to get out of the night

just been watching four episodes from the last chance to see series. I knew it was going to be good, but...WOW!

(mark and stephen with a couple of brown lemurs)

I watched the kakapo episode first...for obvious reasons. then the amazonian manatee, the northern white rhino and the aye-aye episodes. it's fascinating and frightening at the same time. read last chance to see by douglas adams and mark carwardine a few years ago and was completely blown away by it (I hate that expression, but I'm too lazy to think of a better one right now). really looking forward to the komodo dragon episode now!

I'm off to bed in a little bit...need to "catch up" on some sleep as I'm currently recovering from a two day drinking session (didn't get home until about 5.30am or something this morning...oops)...but I need dose of radiohead first to see me through the night. my radiohead obsession is becoming more and more severe...I'm a radiohead junkie...a radioheadhead!

(blog title: excerpt from all I need by radiohead/in rainbows)

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