Thursday, July 30

thanking you mr mojo!!!

I haven't even started reading it yet...but I know I'm going to LOVE this book!!! it was a present from mojo and it arrived today.

mojo and I were skyping the other night and he told me he had heard something about this "thing" on the radio and immediately thought of me. he then started dropping hints and telling me he's ordered something for me and that I would never, ever be able to guess what it was... he was right!

the book in question is why does E=mc2? (and why should we care?) and is written by (one of my all time favorite physicists) professor brian cox and jeff foreshaw.

think I'm going to...
1. have a well deserved shower (being a postie-lady is haaaard work)
2. make some pancakes
3. eat pancakes (with sliced banana and vanilla ice cream)
4. curl up into my big, cosy armchair and start reading my new book!!!

mmm, life is pretty sweet right now! :)

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