Tuesday, July 7

postman pinche-fjun pt 1

got a call from posten (the swedish equivalent of royal mail) today and they asked me if I was available to work starting next wedndesday! YAY, finally! it's only temporary, but so VERY much better than nothing at all.

camilla and my dad works there and have been bigging me up the past week...I hope I can live up to their expectations of me now...eek!

on a pretty unrelated note...we had a dog like the one on the stamp (a saluki, his name was sheik) when I was growing up. been wanting to use this image for a blog post for some time now, and finally found a befitting occasion to do so.

keep your fingers crossed for me next wednesday at 6.30 am...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cesi hurray for your new job!!!!!! I'm sure you'll exceed all expectations ;) ....but start on wednesday...TOMORROW????