Thursday, March 4

your crazy kitten smile..

it has been suggested that zlatan and richard (see "richard and me") are related. this could well be the case... however, as any relation between the two is yet to be established at the time of publication, i have an alternative theory...

zlatan often sits in the window behind me while i'm "working" on fry. i thought he was just checking out the birds (bird as in bird as in the winged creatures that has a tendency to plopp on my windows...pigeons and seagulls etc...don't get any ideas). little did i know that this was simply a clever cover up for looking over my shoulder when i read the richard and me blog.

so my theory is that...blood relatives or not...i'm pretty sure i know now where zlatan gets his inspiration from for his nightly escapades!




on a completely unrelated note...
tinsel and baubles. on public display. in march. (and it's not like the people that live here have forgotten/couldn't be bothered to take their christmas decorations down...they put them up yesterday!), i don't consider myself a stickler for tradition/ fact i like it when things are shaken up every once in a while. i'm of the whatever-makes-you-happy school of thought..

but christmas decorations in march...not sure if that will ever catch on (or that it should).

(merry xmas everyone!)

(blog title: excerpt from true love waits::radiohead::i might be wrong live recordings)

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