Sunday, March 7

...stepping over heads...running from the underground...

a few good bits from the sunday papers

professor brian cox: 'we don't know what 96% of the universe is made of - we don't understand something fundamental' - the observer, sun 7th march
(i wish i could get bbc iplayer in sweden...)

jarvis cocker, the pop rebel doing battle with the bbc - the observer, sun 7th march

why is it that "we" only ever manage to export crap from this country???
invasion of the swedes: a cultural incursion from the north - the independent, sun 7th march

just to prove my point:

abba, ace of base, roxette...all swedish "music" exports. believe it or not, but we do actually have a few good bands in this country as well...good, but lesser known outside the scandi borders: bob hund, timbuktu, ebba grön, thåström to name but a few.

stieg larsson (i now only know a couple of people that haven't succumbed to reading the millenium trilogy...and i'm one of them...and nothing/no-one in this universe could persuade me to read these books). again, there are quite a few good authors in the looong land of sweden...unfortunatelly, most of whom have never been translated into english...but you may just be able to get a german translation of the following: jonas gardell, marcus and peter birro, mark levengood.

unless you're a bergman enthusiast...swedish cinema will probably leave you pretty disappointed. there are a few ok-ish films...but generally speaking, nothing to get that excited about! ...although i will say this, ernst-hugo järegård is one of my all time favorite actors.

(blog title: excerpt from 4minutewarningradioheadinrainbowsdisk2)

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