Tuesday, February 2

rip walter

(walter in happier times...)

...ok ok, he's not quite dead, but he very nearly did die last week when I was in the uk! (you are more than welcome to draw your own conclusions as to why that was...)

the story goes...

one of my colleagues was driving walter when I was away, when all of a sudden walter decided (in protest?), enough is enough. short circuited. brakes.stopped.working.

now, walter isn't exactly a drag racing car...but I don't suppose it matters hugely. it's never, ever a great feeling when the brakes of any vehicle stop working!

my colleague had to throw himself out of suicidal walter going at top speed (25mph...) down the busy road by work! walter then kept on going berserk, zig zagging it down the road until he hit a tree, smashed his headlights and passed out!

he's currently recovering in the car hospital and we're hoping to have him back by the end of the week!

get well soon little walter!

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