Saturday, February 6

funny haha! funny how?

eine kleine walter mauser has come back from the abode of last!

...with brand new studded tyres, a brand new side view mirror...and he's clean, so very clean (and we have every intention of keeping him that way, poor thing)!

snapped a few snowy pics out on my round in maria park isn't easy being a postie in this weather at times.

as for the walls of snow in front of the letterboxes...I have few theories as to why that is:
  • news of the invention of the snowshovel is yet to reach parts of maria park
  • the concept of the snowshovel and how it is best best put to use is completely lost on some people
  • nature should be kept all natural and remain free from human intervention

(walter playing hide and seek..took me a while to find him actually!)

(ah, one of my favorites...20' of snow in front of a letter box always cheers me up)

(one almost get the feeling that the people that live here have an aversion to us postie's...?!)

(a bit like climbing a very tall mountain...and once you get to the top you receive your reward...force opening a frozen letter box that nearly take your fingers is so, so sweet)

(maybe I'm paranoid...but I get the feeling they did this on purpose, just to annoy me)

postman in swedish is brevbärare, which translates as letter carrier...may I suggest the revised and more accurate title: "allväders-terränggående-brev-och-paket-leverantör" (any-weather-any-terrain-letter-and-parcel-delivery-person...or something like that...crap translation...sorry).

(blog title: excerpt from the rádióhéad.hail to the thief... click on the's the gloaming live from the basement. a dancing thom yorke is something that truly always manages to cheer me right up!!!)

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