Sunday, August 16


have recovered slightly from the whole alfakassan fiasco. slightly, NOT completely! let me put it this way, I have recovered enough to be able to articulate my anger and dissapointment in an appeal to them!

now on to something much yummier...chocolate balls!

they're so easy to make and so yummy to eat...I've just made a batch. the mixture is currently resting in the fridge before it gets balled up, so I thought I'd share the recipe with you peeps in the meantime. how geneorus of the pinche-fjun...!

chocolate balls
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 dl sugar
  • 1 tbs vanilla sugar
  • 3 tbs cacao
  • 3 dl oats
  • 3 tbs strong cold coffee
  • (coconut flakes)
melt the butter. mix all the ingredients together and let the mixture rest in the fridge for an hour. make little (or large) balls (really, it's up to you) and roll them in the coconut flakes (or whatever you want to cover them in). that's yum away on the little beauties!

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