Saturday, July 3

things so wrong, they are right?

nah, maybe not! but very, very funny!

exhibit A.

disturbingly creepy (and so WRONG) clown lamp found in a shop in järnvägsgatan, helsingborg. does eff all to ease my coulrophobia!

(too much clown on clown action for my prudish self)

exhibit B.

hasse andersson. angel buddy. the swedish equivalent of johnny cash? you decide! this 40 sec audio bite is the best i can do.. the ever elusive angel buddy!

(hasse und der engel hund)

exhibit C.

another great find, courtesy of my friend lina.. think i'll let this vid speak for itself!

(more death to all but metal)

exhibit D.

and lastly but not leastly.. this wonderful example of a piece of 2010 essex english: "-...yea she lives near that decapitated buildin'. -ar fink you mean derelict innit. -yea well woteva, same fing....."

(a romford bus)

thanking little lauren for this wonderful quote! :)

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